Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Starting my Blog

I'm starting this blog because I was inspired by my sister who has her own blog. Just reading her posts makes me feel like I am with her. I imagine sitting in her living room with Jon and Kate Plus 8 on, playing with her kids on the couch. Seeing her pictures brings back memories and helps me to feel close to her even though we are now 10-12 hours away. I miss her and my whole family so much. I want to stay more connected with them and my friends, but there never seems like enough time in the day to talk. Talking on the phone with my mom is just not the same as walking around Lenora park with a cup of Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. Maybe writing this blog will help me feel closer and help them feel closer to me as well.

I was laying in bed for an hour when I decided to get up and do something productive. I don't know if it's the racing thoughts in my mind or the back pain that is keeping me awake, but either way, it's past midnight and I'm in the kitchen. William is asleep. I love watching him sleep. I love him. I just love him more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. I came home from work this afternoon, I was dressed up very nice and he was out mowing the lawn. When I saw him, I just ran and hugged him. I didn't care that he was sweaty and covered in grass clippings and it was probably ruining my shirt, I just had to hug him. He is my home. I know I am still in the "newly wed" stage, but I vow to keep this love strong and alive. I'm not naive though. I know there are tough times (and 8 months apart was especially tough). I know marriage takes work, but it is worth it.

The name of my blog is "Living in the Truth". God is teaching me daily that the ONLY way to live is in the truth. The truth will and has set me free.

I started my new job a couple of weeks ago, and with that I stepped into a complicated situation that I did not expect. I have been praying everyday, and I truly believe God has put me in this company for a reason. I am trusting Him. It is taking a lot of faith in the moment. I am trusting him... I feel like I am stepping off of a boat into stormy water, but He is there. I am trusting him. I am not going to go into details because it is late and I am tired and I don't think the details really even matter right now.

I'm hurting. My kidneys. It's really nothing new, just an infection, but the pain is always worse than I remember. My kidney pain is usually an everyday ache... and then in times like now, a "flare up" is just pure misery. I do not want to complain, however the pain seems to control my life at times. I see a new specialist tomorrow, and I am praying he will tell me something new. I pray he will be able to give me some hope and take a new approach to treatment. I do not want to be a burden. I do not want to miss work. I want to be all that I can be and it's hard being "slowed down" by this. Once again, all I can do is go to the Lord in prayer.

So far, this entry has been quite a downer. Overall, my life is very good. (Better than I deserve, right Dave Ramsey?) I'm listening to the MC-130's circling above shooting artillery on the base right now, and my kitty cat is curled up on the chair next to me. I have my candle lit and the smell of my moonlit path lotion on my hands. The beach is a mile down the road...

I really do not have any pictures to post yet. I'll get them on the page as soon as I have the software to upload them.

I'm signing off for tonight, I think I'll be able to fall asleep now.